S C I E N C E |
From the Heart of Europe, an Unmatched Tradition of Skin and Body Care Excellence
Founded in the early 1950s, Laboratories Nelly De Vuyst® has enjoyed a long-standing reputation as one of Europe’s most consistent and critically acclaimed professional skin and body-care companies.
Today, Nelly De Vuyst® Offers: Oleaslim
A truly remarkable aromatherapy slimming method — slimming, detoxification and inch loss — guaranteed!
Oleaslim achieves rapid, visible results and inch loss, beginning with the very first session. Pure essential oils detoxify and stimulate, flushing impurities from the body. Immediately, clients see the slimming effect and the disappearing “orange-peel” texture. A unique blend of essential oils activates fluid circulation. Improves metabolic function, detoxifies tissues, relieves stress — and promotes the elimination of fat and cellulite.
All-natural ingredients: pine, lavender, juniper, thyme, mint, sage, and wheat germ oil (carrier oil). |